The Fox Frederick team developed improvement plans for the reconstruction of several thousand linear feet of water main and sanitary sewer main in the Town of Emmitsburg, Maryland. The water main, located in various areas of Town, includes the Emmit Gardens subdivision, South Seton Avenue, Route 140, and Mountain View Road, near the Town’s western service boundary. All have been undertaken as a means of improving the Towns water distribution system. The sewer main replacement along Flat Run, Little Run and South Seton Ave. and Lincoln Ave. were necessary as a means of reducing sanitary sewer inflow and infiltration. The results of these projects are to provide the Town of Emmitsburg with a vastly improved water system and an environmentally safe sanitary sewer system.
Chestnut Ridge Regional Sewer Systems
Location: Bedford County, Pennsylvania – completed by Shelly, Witter & Fox, Greencastle team
Project Description:
- Fox was subcontracted by CET Engineering to perform surveying services on the Chestnut Ridge Sewer Authority Project. The project consisted of the design of a 28-mile long sewage collection system and wastewater treatment plant to serve a four-community area and the intervening lands known as Chestnut Ridge in Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
- Fox provided the control surveys, easement plats and descriptions, topographic surveys and as-built plans for the entire project.
- Utilizing existing aerial photos, Fox & Associates, Inc. performed control surveys with G.P.S. receivers for photo identification points, to provide the photogrammetric mapping company with coordinates and elevations based on USGS datum. Once the mapping was completed our crews performed field topographic surveys to supplement the areas that could not be mapped, areas not included by the photo coverage or stream cross sections where sewer line crossing were anticipated.
- Once the routes were finalized; deed research, property line location surveys, easement plats and descriptions were all performed for the affected properties.
Creamery Road Pump Station and Force Main Upgrade
Location: Frederick, Maryland
Completed by Fox Frederick
Size: 4.80 Acres
Project Description:
- The project included upgrades to the existing 3200 GPM, pump station, force main and wastewater treatment plant to correct problems which caused numerous sewage spills over the past 15 years.
- Fox designed approximately 1,500 linear feet of 14” diameter sewer force-main replacement and new installation.
- Assisted the Town in obtaining State/Federal funding for this project.
- Pump station controls were retrofitted with variable frequency drives to better manage the fluctuating flows and to extend the life of the pump motors.
Special Site / Design Considerations:
- Fox secured permits for sewer force main construction from the Maryland Department of Environment
- Project was designed with a temporary force-main bypass to maintain sewage flows to the WWTP during all phases of construction.
River Oaks Rechlorination Station and Country Meadows Water Main Extension
Project Description:
Fox Frederick team performed all site surveying and Civil Site Engineering Services for the construction of 450 G.P.M. reclamation station and the construction of 2,500 linear feet of 24 inch water main to serve County Meadows, a new 440 bed-assisted Living Facility. The domestic demand from River Oaks and County Meadows was inadequate to provide 72 hour turnover in the nearly one mile long “dead end” water main which necessitated the need for re-chlorinating.
Fox services included close coordination with McCrone Inc for site plan preparation as well as submission of the site plan to Frederick County Planning Commission and the State of Maryland Department of Health & Hygiene for review and approval. The water main design included design of a crossing of the Monocacy River. Our design included a phased design using “coffer dams” for dewatering for construction in open trenching of the River bottom. Fox also obtained the MDE / ACOE permits required for the in-stream and floodplain construction.
Frederick Memorial Hospital Stormwater Pump Station
Location: Frederick, Maryland – Project by Frederick Fox team
Project Description:
- As part of the $60 million project 2000 renovation the new hospital loading dock created an area which sits below the existing street grade and below the existing storm drain. This created the need to pump the stormwater runoff from the roof and loading dock area to a receiving system.
- Fox designed a duplex submersible storm drain pump station to serve the Frederick Memorial Hospital expansion.
- The pump station was designed to safely convey the ten (10) year storm event of 2,200 GPM.
- Pump station was designed with backup power provided by the Hospital generators.
- The pump station is located within the loading dock area and had to be designed to handle HS-20 traffic loading.