Location: Frederick, Maryland
Project Description:
- Fox Frederick team is the prime consultant for the design and construction administration of the 1.2 mile Central Section of Monocacy Boulevard located within the corporate limits of Frederick, Maryland. As the prime consultant, Fox is responsible for oversight of a team of sub-consultants consisting of structural, geotechnical, traffic, environmental permitting and cultural resources consultants as well as a construction estimator.
- Monocacy Boulevard is a City of Frederick major arterial roadway that, once completed, will serve as an outer by-pass around the City of Frederick. The road design consists of an 80′ wide right-of-way with a 4-lane roadbed and median. The project is designed to meet City of Frederick, Maryland State Highway Administration, AASHTO and MUTCD design guidelines, standards and specifications.
- The design includes two significant stream crossings for Carroll Creek and the Monocacy River. The Carroll Creek crossing is proposed as a multi-cell pre-cast concrete culvert/bridge structure approximately 300 feet long designed to span the existing stream channel limiting environmental impacts. The Monocacy River crossing will be a standard steel highway bridge spanning approximately 600 feet supported by mid-stream concrete piers. Both stream crossings require MDE and ACOE permitting.
- In addition to the roadway design Fox is directly responsible for design of three (3) stormwater management facilities, roadway plans and profiles, geometrics, signage and striping, temporary traffic control, storm drain, sanitary sewer and water design, sediment control, environmental permitting plans and a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for the proposed roadway.